

Sometimes it seems hard to sit down and make a list of what you are thankful for…even harder to get out of the "I'm a victim" funk and realize that there is so much to be thankful for that you don't realize. I was havng a moment like that today…so I decided to sit down and make a list.

I have a wonderful, crazy family

My family is healthy

I am healthy

I have friends who love unconditionally and are darn fun to be around

A good job (and these days, even having a "bad" job is something to be thankful for)

I have a comfortable and warm home

I have a car that runs well

I have a artistic outlet…I look forward to times of creativity

I'll never go hungry

I'll just about always have diet coke to drink

I can get free books from the library

I have a Tivo (hehehe - I couldn't resist throwing that one in there!)

That took about 3 minutes, if that. Now it's your turn. Take a couple of minutes and make a list…what are you thankful for?

Happy Pre-Thanksgiving!

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