

It was only a matter of time...

It was only a matter of time before scrapbooking became a little more mainstream.  Granted, there is still the stereotype of a "typical" scrapper (married, children, stay at home, old fuddy duddy - not that there is anything wrong with any of those qualities, well, except the fuddy-duddy part), but the world seems to be finally catching on that scrappers can be anyone.  Unique, modern, hip, single, even men!  It's true!


And I can't think of a better example than what I saw on my computer screen this morning.  I'm drinking coffee, catching up on the news and lo and behold, a scrapbooking ad on yahoo….and it's one of the most ingenious marketing ploys (the website and marketing campaign) I've ever seen in the scrapbooking world.  Check it out at


I'm not a paid advertiser….I swear.  I just get excited about these things.

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen the movie, "New in Town" with Renee Zellwegger? It's a cute movie, but they really "stereotype" scrappers - made me LOL!


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