Here are a few things I've been eyeing lately.
This bedding. Every couple of years I get the itch to change things up. And I think this would be perfect.
These bags. I've had my eye on them for a while...they are an investment, which is why I haven't pulled the trigger yet. But I'm getting close. And they contribute to a very good cause.
This hand drawn quote. There isn't much more I can add to it.
This cookbook. I'm headed toward the end of my cooking repertoire. And I'm ready to change it up a bit.
This lamp but with a different lampshade. I must be getting old. If you'd told me I'd be looking at a hammered brass lamp 10 years ago I would have laughed at you. :)
And finally, these little cuties need to come home to me.
What have you been looking at lately?
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