It all started with a boy.
Wait, let’s back up. It all
started with the ultimate in vulnerability, online dating. If you are a single girl, you know exactly
what I am talking about. Ugh. I have dabbled with online dating throughout
the years. With some success…but obviously,
not long term success.
Enter a boy. We
disagree on who sent who the first message.
I’ve since deleted my account so I can’t confirm that I am right (lol),
but a message was sent. A phone call was
made. A date set. He was not at all like anyone I had ever
talked to. I was looking for uncomplicated
“wonder bread”. He is the farthest thing
from it. He’s distinguished and
handsome, dark-eyed, incredibly intelligent, has a brutally cute accent, and
has completely turned my life upside down.
It’s been a rocky road.
There have been disagreements, misunderstandings, hurt feelings and even
flat-out break-ups. But so much more
often there has been love. It’s strong
and I’m sometimes overwhelmed by it. I
feel special, and beautiful and treasured.
It’s been scary at times…because
in order to experience all of that…I have to be vulnerable. That thing I hate. Opening the door to vulnerability makes me
more susceptible to heartbreak and hurt.
But opening the door to vulnerability also makes me capable of accepting
love, and giving it in return. Of
believing the words “you are beautiful” and “you are special”. It also allows me to give love in a way I’ve
never been capable of before.
The holidays are typically very difficult for me. It’s complicated, of course, but in the past
three weeks I’ve interacted with more family and dealt with more emotional
things than I have in several years.
Successfully. I might even dare
to say, I came out of it feeling peaceful and loved and thankful and capable of
loving back. That vulnerability that
scared me so much has also made me softer.
More understanding and capable of dealing with issues I’ve long buried
behind thick concrete walls. Of course,
it helped immensely that that boy was standing with me the entire time. Supportive and calm (for the most part J). But ultimately, I’ve been kicking the walls
down and it’s a marvelous thing.
I’m going to keep
working at lowering those walls. It’s worth it.
And thank you, Sergio, for being there through it all.
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