


My Uncle Charles is the International Director for the North Andhra Coastal Evangelizing Association (NACEA), a missionary board dedicated to converting and training the unsaved in the coastal areas of India. I went to India with him in 1998 and have first-hand experience with the conditions and needs of the people in that area. He is on his way to India now to continue their mission.

“NACEA has developed just such a strategy, with programs in place for planting churches, healing the sick, equipping nationals, rescuing children, training villagers in vocational skills, and caring through disaster relief and assistance to widows”

He is blogging his journey almost daily. If you would like to follow along, please visit his blog at

I would appreciate your prayers, especially for my Uncle Charles who has a very rare heart/chest condition which necessitates him being on a medicine drip at all times. This makes it a bit of a struggle for these long trips. Thanks for your prayers and support!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:21 AM


    Thanks for keeping up with our journey.

    Uncle Charles


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