

New Year's Eve

Happy almost new year!

And of course that means I've started thinking about my goals for 2012 (just like you, probably).  It's hard to put into words the challenges and blessings the past year have presented.  And I can only imagine that the next year is going to be even better.

My official word for last year was gumption.  And that is going to be my word again in 2012.  This past year so many things started happening that I've been praying and working for.  But what usually happens, did.  I became overwhelmed and exhausted.  So, this year I'm adding the word "balance" to the mix.

Balance: a state of equilibrium; equal distribution of weight, amount; mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgement

Gumption:  initiative, resourcefulness, courage, spunk, guts, common sense

I'm going to work on setting priorities, remaining calm, saying yes to the important things and no to the unnecessary (this is probably the hardest part).  Most importantly, I'm determined to enjoy life.  To allow myself to leave the stress and pressure behind when it's time to have fun and to buckle down and focus when I need to.  

Here's hope that the new year is everything you wish it to be!  See you in 2012!


Thrilling Thursday

Can you believe this is the last Thrilling Thursday of 2011?  Amazing.



Merry Christmas!

Praying that you and yours are celebrating together and enjoying today. 


Thrilling Thursday

Oh, it's the last of the Christmas thrills!  :(




Inspired by...Scraplifting

I'm posting today over at PaperCrafter's Corner about scraplifting the layout below.  Check it out!


Thrilling Thursday....errr....Friday

Oops.  How did that happen? 

Cozy Christmas.




In Progress

A little sneak at fun project I'm working on. I started making these super simple, mini albums to give as Christmas presents to four little girls/sisters.....they need their own scrapbooks. We'll see how they turn out.  In the meantime, I'm loving these bright, sparkly papers.  Everyone needs a littls sparkle!


The Beginning of Christmas

Am I the only one who is so stinkin' excited for Christmas to arrive then Thanksgiving hits and you are caught unprepared?  Somehow that happened again this year for me.  I had so many grand intentions for this first week in December.  And then life got in the way. 

In a good way, though, I'm learning to just let things go.  To take the pressure (mostly pressure I create for myself) off and learn to embrace and enjoy the moment without the weight of "I intended to do this and this, but failed" and "I should have....".  Life is a lot more fun this way.  :)  

So, the first week of December showed up and I celebrated with the White Christmas movie lovin' Misti and the "I'm so tired of watching this movie every year and listening to you and Misti quote every.single.line" Laurel.  We watched Christmas movies, went to see Breaking Dawn, made take and bake cookies, and became addicted to playing Spite & Malice.  Laurel even snuck in time to work on her Christmas cards. 

I didn't take many photos, and the two I did take turned out horribly, but who cares.  It's the memories that matter.  Here's my teeny tiny tree...with no tree skirt.  Maybe next year.  Or next week.  We'll see.


Quite Exciting

Two posts in one day – unheard of!

Just popping in for a second to announce something exciting in my little world. I’m an official contributor to Scrap n’ Art Magazine. The December issue is live today. I hope you’ll check it out. Look for articles on trends and a few layouts in the future, too!


Thrilling Thursday

Oh, clever Christmas tree.
