

First Ever GOYBSPN!

Last night was the first official Get Off Your Butt and Stop Procrastinating Night. Now, I know that's a long name, but it was the best we could come up with to really motivate ourselves.  GOYBSPN for short!  If anyone has a better suggestion, you just let me know!By us, I mean Misti and I. 


You know those pesky little projects that really are important – but you just never do them for some reason or another.  Well, last night was the night to take care of at least one of those projects.  And it worked!  I, unfortunately, can't show pictures of my projects since it's a "secret" project, but Misti did a great documenting hers. But it's almost done!  I had to wait for it to dry, or else I would be finished.  Darn that glitter! 


I did discover, like Misti, that knowing that Wednesday night was GOYBSPN night, I was motivated to mark some other procrastinated items off of my to-do list.  It's a marvelous thing.   


I think next week, instead of calling, we'll try using Yahoo messenger.  I'm always worried to turn on the computer, though, when I'm working on a project like that.  I'm too easily distracted.  We'll give it a try…


Want to join us?  Post a comment if you do!  Next tentatively scheduled date – Wednesday, March 26th.  Will post an update after I confirm with "Crop Girl".

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