

Spring Cleaning

It's spring cleaning time.  I felt it coming along last week, but  I just wasn't ready to deal with the idea.  Combined with the fact that I haven't really gotten completely settled at the new digs…well, let's just say that I needed to wait a few days so passerby's wouldn't have to deal with the crazy woman standing in the middle of the room pulling her hair out. :)
I went to storage and on Friday and loaded up the three bins of summer clothes and yesterday was the big switch-a-roo.  And the big purge.  I was pretty ruthless with winter clothes…if I  a) hadn't worn it since I pulled it out of storage in October, b) wore it but hated it when I did, or, c) it needed repair that I wasn't willing to do, it went into the thrift store pile.  A few things went into the trash.  And I am ashamed to say, a few of those trash things…I wore pretty recently.  The same thing went for spring/summer clothes.  I can remember what I wore last year, so I didn't even mess with things that needed to go.   And don't even get me started on the shoes.
It felt good.  Really good.  And then I looked at my closet and felt bad.  Really bad.  I think I'm going to need a little investment over the next couple of weeks.  Otherwise I'll be wearing t-shirts and khaki's every day this summer to work.  And while I can get away with it every once and a while, it would be nice to amp it up a little bit.
I also pulled out all of the stuff in the spare closet.  Most of it was scrapping related, but some of it was a weird assortment of things that I had held on to when I moved because I wasn't sure if I would need it at the new place.  So, that closet is pretty empty, too, now.
Tonight will be laundry and dusting.  I found a few dust bunnies.
Have you started your spring cleaning?

1 comment:

  1. I only do spring cleaning when a the spirit strickes which usually isn't in the spring. Definitely doesn't happen every year.


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