But, if I were to go to a mall - I'd go with the express purpose of visiting a store I've never seen in person. Anthropologie. Their clothes are funky. Their jewelry is unique. Their homegoods - a.maz.ing!
A steal at $14.00
Umm hello - black, gray, yellow....I likey
crazy shower curtain - a little froufy for me - but super cute.
I think I want these....or something close!
Crazy lamp! All I can think is how dusty it'll get - but I think my favorite part of their site? That they show what the lamp looks lit! That's an important part - that most of the time we don't ever get to see until we've purchased and taken it home!
happy rug!
Oh typography - how I love thee!
The only thing that would make this chest better is if all those drawers were actually real - instead they are grouped for drawers and a cabinet door on the right.
all images from www.anthropologie.com
So - would you brave the mall for that? Any store I should check out while I'm there? Let me know!
Ummm, yes please. I want those measuring spoons! We can brave the mall together. ;)