

I'm ready to plug the Cricut back up....

So, every once in a while I stumble upon a blog or website that just amazes me.  And I found one today.  I've heard of Patricia Zapata a few times, but didn't know she was the owner and sole designer of A Little Hut. 


Check it out.  I love, love, love these custom designs, but my mouth fell open at these cards she created using her Cricut.  I am totally impressed with how something so simple can have such  graphical impact.  And using a tool I own!  And after this creative drought, I finally have ideas swirling around in my brain!


She's also just put out a book called Craft, Paper, Scissors. It's so on my "to be read" list!


  1. I went right to the site and I can see what you mean. I want to make cards and this would be a great place to start. I may send you one. Aunt Pea

  2. Those are cute cards. I really like those 3d pictures she did.


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